1. Engineering Downtown Offices Closed to Public, Dec. 26 & 27, 2024.

    Offices will be closed, however, City of Madison Engineering Division staff will be available by phone: 608-266-4751 and email: engineering@cityofmadison.com.

Design Standards

The Engineering Division takes a number of considerations into design of its streets, paths and sidewalks.  The City is committed to providing complete streets to ensure streets are designed to enable safe access for all users, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities to the extent possible for all new developments, redevelopments and street reconstruction projects.

Bike Path Design
Madison is committed to providing high quality, safe and convenient bicycle facilities throughout the City.  The City invests to install new facilities each year either by bike lanes, or protected facilities.  A number of factors are considered for bike path design.

Sidewalk Design
All new streets in Madison have sidewalk constructed on both sides of the street.  The City also works to construct new sidewalk with reconstructed streets (in areas where no sidewalk exists currently) as much as possible.  Missing links of important sidewalk connections are also independently constructed each year.

Addresses, Street Naming, Name Changes
Learn about the guidelines the City follows when it comes to street names, property number visibility and street name changes. 

Types of Streets
Streets in Madison are categorized by one of three categories: local, collector or arterial. The City has over 800 miles of streets.

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