This week's update includes information about three City meetings, the 2025 brush collection schedule, nighttime street sweeping, an event about potential federal cuts to Medicaid and other programs, and events and announcements.
This week's updates include information about two City meetings, an excellent staff presentation on the history and future of Madison transportation, an opportunity for rain garden planning assistance, and events & announcements.
This week's update includes info about four City meetings with items of interest, info about another incident of gun violence in the district, a reminder to vote in Tuesday's Spring Primary election, and public health info about bird flu.
All City of Madison streets will be plowed starting at midnight. A snow emergency has been declared. Alternate side parking will be effect for the entire City of Madison tonight.Citywide plowing takes 12 to 14 hours to complete.
This week's update includes info about three City meetings, a heads up about some vegetation management and tree removal in District 3 this year, and events & announcements.
This week's update includes information about three City meetings, a neighborhood meeting about the Southeast Area Plan, a neighborhood meeting about an alcohol license application, and open seats on the Disability Rights Commission.
This week's post includes information about two City meetings, Winter Salt Awareness Week, a remidner about the Portland Park PIM, and events & announcements.
This week's update includes information about two City meetings, MLK Jr holiday schedules for City services, neighborhood grant period opening, CIP Community Voices Survey, and events. Stay warm out there, everyone!